2019 Philanthro-Picks

Six Colorado-based non-profits were awarded grants for their ability to empower people to aspire to be more

2019 philanthropicks logos

What do you get when you combine RevGen’s value of stewardship, six Colorado-based nonprofits, and RevGenerosity (our employee-run philanthropy team)? You get the winners of our 2019 spring and fall grant cycles!

Twice a year, RevGenerosity petitions their colleagues for nominations of nonprofit organizations that address issues related to education, poverty and disadvantaged, at-risk youth. This year, six applicants were selected for their ability to empower the greater Denver community to aspire to be more.

Colorado Chamber Orchestra Elementary Instrumental Music (EIM) programs were founded in 2009 in response to Douglas County School District  budget cuts. The programs are held before and after school to provide high-quality music instruction and serve approximately 1,400 students. RevGen awarded $2,500 to fund 17 full scholarships to low-income families and to repair the rental instruments that are available to such students at no cost.

Dress for Success Denver empowers women to achieve economic self-sufficiency by providing a network of support, professional attire, and development tools. RevGen awarded $3,000 to support the Women’s Employment Network (WEN) job-readiness program and Professional Women’s Group (PWG) job retention program which are expected to serve a minimum of 80 women in the Denver Metro area.

Girls on the Run of the Rockies provides a transformational physical activity-based, positive youth development program for girls in 3rd-8th grade, teaching life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games. RevGen awarded $5,000 to support 24 girls at Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy, a Denver Public School, for their 10-week fall season.

There with Care helps families dealing with a critical childhood illness through financial and logistical donations. The Transportation Program provides bus passes, gas cards, taxi rides, and emergency auto repairs to ensure families can access their child’s medical treatments and doctor’s appointments. RevGen awarded $5,000 to this program’s effort to remove transportation barriers faced by financially vulnerable families with critically ill children.

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado motivates and enables people to become active stewards of Colorado’s natural resources. The Cairn Youth Program inspires young adults of different backgrounds to become enduring environmental stewards. RevGen awarded $2,000 to support this program in which 30 to 35 high school students participate in 9 monthly service-learning projects that focus on environmental education, leadership development, and active outdoor stewardship.

Wild Bear Mountain Ecology Center provides year-round educational programs to people of all ages, fostering a life-long appreciation of the environment and promoting an environmentally aware, responsible, and ecologically sound community. RevGen awarded $2,500 to fund four classrooms of low-income school students to be bussed into the Mud Lake facility to attend a 4-hour educational program.

We encourage you to check out the great work that these organizations are doing to have a positive, lasting impact on our community. Learn more about RevGen’s commitment to our community.


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