Four Years in a Row

Named to Denver Post’s Top Work Places

Company Meeting
Author: Jason Hansen

Denver Post Top Places to WorkAs a consulting organization, we recognize that there is no more important asset than our people.  To that end, we are continually looking for ways to improve our employee value proposition and we are excited to be named for a fourth consecutive year to Denver Post’s Top Work Places.

The Denver Post’s Top Work Places is based entirely on the responses of our employees to a survey by WorkPlace Dynamics that measures workplace culture and our employee value proposition. We appreciate our employees taking the time to complete the survey and provide us with their positive and constructive feedback.

Comments directly from the survey:

“I feel truly empowered and enabled to do what is best for our clients.” – Senior Consultant

“RevGen is the best balance of interesting work, good pay, great people, and support for growth that I have ever seen.” – Employee

“The leadership team at RevGen really seems to care about all the employees, and the open and direct communication seems to make things work well.” – Manager

“The people care about the business and each other.” – Employee

As we look to the future, a vibrant culture and a strong employee value proposition is a winning combination. I am never satisfied with the status quo and look forward to working with our management team and employees to position our business for future growth and enhancing our employee value proposition.

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