AI Workshop

Want to improve efficiency and grow revenues with AI?

Companies across every industry are quickly showing significant, measurable ROI from various AI initiatives.

Let's put you on the fast track to success with AI.

Project Manager Does Motivational Presentation to his team describing the proposed use of AI and their AI Strategy

Why Invest in AI?


An infographic stating some benefits of AI such as an ROI of $3.50, and productivity increase of 66%


Turn Hype into Tangible Results

While AI is the buzzword of the hour, many businesses are unsure how best to apply this game-changing technology. This is completely understandable given the overwhelming amount of information (and misinformation) out there.

That’s why we developed our AI Workshop: a focused working session that will help you quickly identify and prioritize scenarios aligned with your strategic initiatives where AI can turn opportunity into a competitive advantage.

By the end of the workshop, you will:


A holographic AI processor chip floats above a man's hand.


Understand the AI market and competitive trends


A person works at a laptop. Above the keyboard floats a holographic representation of AI-generated reports


Prioritize your AI use cases by ROI


Two men discuss the code and AI-generated reporting displayed on a laptop and monitor.


Outline a fast path to results with AI

RevGen’s Approach to AI

Interested in reading more about our approach to AI and the AI-related services we offer?

Visit our Artificial Intelligence site >

A circuit board in tones of blue and pink is powered by a chip that reads "AI"

Contact us today

Schedule Your Workshop

Curious to learn more about how our AI Workshop can help your business harness the power of AI? Contact us today to speak with one of our experts about scheduling a workshop for your organization.

Where Can Your Business Apply AI?

Pricing intelligence to drive sales
Turning “dark” data into “smart” insights
ML-Ops for accelerated Data Science lifecycles, productivity, and ROI
Dynamic marketing orchestration and automation
Sales assistant for cross/up/next-best selling
Customer service assistant for next-best action and response

Our AI Workshop Agenda


Our AI Workshop is designed to help every company, regardless of industry, understand how AI can improve efficiency, productivity, and employee and customer experience. We do this by examining your specific goals and pain points and aligning them with the technologies available to bring these ideas to life.

After ideation, we then review the list for feasibility and potential ROI, so that you come out of the Workshop with real, actionable next steps towards harnessing the power of AI for your organization.

An image showing the basic workshop agenda

Success Stories

A pie chart divided into three sections, with representative people tokens in those same colors to show a customer segmentation model.

Developing a Future-Proof Customer Segmentation Model

Artificial IntelligenceAnalytics & InsightsCustomer Experience

To improve sales efficiency, our client needed an “At-a-Glance” customer segmentation model that could evolve with their business.

Read More About Developing a Future-Proof Customer Segmentation Model
Holographic images of data visualization float over a tablet that a person is drawing on with a stylus

Using Data Science to Improve Revenues and Demand Forecasting

Artificial IntelligenceAnalytics & Insights

Through data science, we helped our client uncover a potential $2 million revenue uplift and better understand demand seasonality.

Read More About Using Data Science to Improve Revenues and Demand Forecasting
A male dentist smiles as he consults with a patient.

Using Machine Learning to Build a Patient-Centered Pricing Model

Artificial IntelligenceDigital EnablementAnalytics & Insights

We used data science to help our client qualify more prospective patients without sacrificing their standard of care.

Read More About Using Machine Learning to Build a Patient-Centered Pricing Model

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